Perils of assimilation

If only life came with subtitles.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Humboldt Heaven

Last week Friday, I had decided to get the fuck out of the Humboldt Hellhole. I was sick of getting the silent treatment from two thirds of my rommates, having to deal with their obnoxious friends, their wasteful habits, and general bitchiness. I knew that the apartment across the way was still empty, so I called my landlord to see if I could snag it. He, as usual, did not answer. I then scoured the internets for something decently priced to no avail.

I spent my weekend at my parents', before the landlord called me back and told me that he had given away the flat on Friday. Alas! I was naturally upset. But I continued to look.

Lo, Tuesday came around, the day of the most wonderful heat wave, when the landlord calls me to say that the fellow he gave the place away to flaked, and it was mine! Mine!

I put up a post on craigslist for a roommie and found someone right away, a cute Argentinian girl named Romi who was also trying to escape a bad situation. I showed her the place, and she filled out an application. And tomorrow, she moves in.

Everything seems to be working out, I'm sure this means something terrible is on its way.


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